Indexers Book Group

The Indexers Book Group meets every two weeks to discuss an indexing book. We typically read one chapter for each meeting, spending the hour together to discuss the ideas and recommendations in the book, as well as share tips and resources. The group has been running continuously for over a year and has tackled such ... [...]

Newfoundland Book Club

Who else is excited by the prospect of visiting Newfoundland next year for Conference 2023? Want to learn more about Newfoundland regardless of whether you attend the conference or not? Join me for a discussion of books about Newfoundland and Labrador. Each month, we will discuss a title that explores Newfoundland and Labrador’s geography, people, ... [...]

Fireside Chat for New Indexers

ISC/SCI Conference 2023See also Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland and LabradorJune 9–10, 2023Murray Premises Hotel5 Beck’s Cove, St. John’s, NL

ICRIS Meeting

ISC/SCI Conference 2023See also Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland and LabradorMurray Premises Hotel5 Beck’s Cove, St. John’s, NL

Conference 2023: Day 1 Sessions

ISC/SCI Conference 2023See also Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland and LabradorJune 9–10, 2023Murray Premises Hotel5 Beck’s Cove, St. John’s, NL


Our AGM will be held at the Conference. 3 pm to 4:30 pm Newfoundland time, 1:30 to 3 pm Eastern time St. John’s, Newfoundland and LabradorMurray Premises Hotel5 Beck’s Cove, St. John’s, NL

Annual Awards Banquet

ISC/SCI Conference 2023See also Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland and LabradorMurray Premises Hotel5 Beck’s Cove, St. John’s, NL

Conference 2023: Day 2 Sessions

ISC/SCI Conference 2023See also Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland and LabradorJune 9–10, 2023Murray Premises Hotel5 Beck’s Cove, St. John’s, NL