Books, Journals, and Websites :: Livres, revues, et websites
Please note: Books are listed alphabetically by author. Links to more information have been provided wherever possible.
Veuillez noter : Les livres sont en ordre alphabétique. Des liens menant à des renseignements supplémentaires ont été inclus lorsque disponibles.
- Hazel K. Bell, Indexing Biographies and Other Stories of Human Lives, 4th ed., with an appendix by Noeline Bridge (Sheffield, England: Society of Indexers, 2020)
- Pat F. Booth, Indexing: The Manual of Good Practice (München: Saur, 2001)
- Noeline Bridge, editor, Indexing Names, 2012, ASI/Information Today
- Glenda Browne and Jonathan Jermey, The Indexing Companion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007)
- __________, Website Indexing: Enhancing Access to Information Within Websites, 2nd ed. (Blackwood, Australia: Auslib Press, 2004)
- Burek, JoAnne. “How to Get an Index for Your Book: A Step-By-Step Guide for Authors.” ebook, available here free with coupon code “client100”.
- Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017), and Indexes: A Chapter from the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010)
- Linda Fetters, Handbook of Indexing Techniques: A Guide for Beginning Indexers, 2nd ed. (Corpus Christi, Texas: FimCo Books, 1999)
- James A. Lamb, Website Indexing: Visitors to Content in Two Clicks (Ardleigh, England: James A. Lamb, 2006)
- Nancy Mulvany, Indexing Books, 2nd ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005) — expanded and updated version of the original 1994 edition
- Sherry Smith and Kari Kells, Inside Indexing: The Decision-Making Process (Northwest Indexing Press, 2005)
- Do Mi Stauber, Facing the Text: Content and Structure in Book Indexing (Eugene, Oregon: Cedar Row Press, 2004)
- Stephen Ullstrom, Book Indexing, a Step-by-Step Guide (Edmonton, Alberta: Antihimus Press, 2023)
- Hans H. Wellisch, Indexing from A to Z, 2nd ed., rev. and enl. (New York: H.W. Wilson, 1995)
Publications available through indexing societies:
- The Society of Indexers offers a variety of its own and other publications. For more information, see their publications page.
- The American Society for Indexing also offers a variety of publications that can be viewed on, and ordered through, their website.
Journals and Newsletters
The Indexer
Journal of the Society of Indexers. The professional journal for indexers is automatically included with ISC / SCI membership. However, online issues older than 5 years can be accessed for free.
A cumulative index for Vols. 20 to 25 (1996-2005) is now online.
Key Words
Key Words is the journal of the American Society for Indexing. Also available: Index covering issues from 1994 to 1999
Index covering issues from 2000 to 2002
Sample articles, 1990-2002
See Also
See Also is the newsletter of the American Society for Indexing. Access is free.
Back issues are available from the ASI Administrative office.

Reference Websites
A collection of reliable, authoritative websites used by indexers.
Translation Dictionary of Basic Indexing Terms
A translation tool for multilingual indexers, this searchable table of 127 terms is presented in English, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese (European), and French. The table is under continuous development by an international group of indexers, with plans to add more languages, more terms, and more features.
The Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
The VIAF website is a convenient interface to the collection of the world’s major name authority files. This service allows researchers to identify names, locations, works, and expressions while preserving regional preferences for language, spelling, and script. Indexers use it to confirm the spelling and the expression of first name/last name for the tricky names they encounter.