2023 Diversity in Canadian Publishing Bursary Award: Pascale Hutton and Sade Cooke

The Indexing Society of Canada / Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI) is pleased to announce two winners this year! Pascale Hutton and Sade Cooke are the 2023 ISC/SCI Diversity in Canadian Publishing Bursary Award recipients.

Pascale Hutton is from Winnipeg, Manitoba. She is of Métis (Charette, Lagimodière, and McDonald families) and French-Canadian ancestry. She identifies as ace or asexual. She is in her last semester of the Master of Library and Information Sciences program at the University of Alberta and is currently working as an archive technician at the Archives of Manitoba. Pascale hopes that through indexing more Indigenous and/or queer readers like herself can see themselves reflected on the page. She is grateful for the opportunity and looks forward to beginning her journey in indexing in early 2024.

Sade Cooke (they/them) is a critical information worker based in Kjipuktuk, Mi’kma’ki. They hold a Master of Library & Information Science and a MA in Gender Studies, and have previously worked in public libraries and community archives. Sade is eager to incorporate their passion for anti-oppressive subject analysis into their new career as an indexer.

With this bursary, ISC/SCI aims to help achieve equality of opportunity for aspiring indexers belonging to underrepresented and/or marginalized groups. The bursary covers fees for an approved indexing program, two years of ISC membership with listing, and entry into the Mary Newberry Mentorship program.

Congratulations, Sade and Pascale!