Additional Career Transition Resources

Hear from other career changers

The documentary Redirection: Movers, Shakers and Shifters follows the first-hand experiences of five individuals who successfully made a career change after the age of 50. It explores how the occupational landscape is changing, touches on obstacles navigated, and decisions the participants had to make in order to find a successful new career path later in life.

Networking advice

Networking is a necessary part of a successful career. If networking is out of your comfort zone, this TED Talk shows that networking is not all about meeting new people, instead you can foster the relationships you already have. 

Become more mentorable

If you want to get the most out of your mentoring relationship, you should ask yourself, “Am I mentorable?” Explore your role as a mentee further with this TED Talk

Self employment help

The Government of Alberta has a website dedicated to self-employment. It includes several articles that explore different aspects of working for yourself. It includes tips for self-employment, inventories on motivation; habits; skills; and traits that make up a successful entrepreneur, how to avoid pitfalls, and a guide to managing career transition. 

Productivity at home

Not sure how to work productively at home? Here are some ways to enhance productivity in your homework environment. Topics include setting up a dedicated office space, having a routine that maintains regular hours, and keeping up with your social life. 

Things to do before, during, and after career transitions

Considering a career transition? This article created by the Indeed Editorial Team has tips to cover before, during and after your transition. These tips and strategies are provided in easy-to-read steps with additional resources to explore.

Tips and stories from career changers

Looking for advice from those who have gone through a successful career change? You can read their personal stories and take in their insights. Career changes look different for everyone, but it can’t hurt to see what others have done to build a plan that works for you!

Hear from women in midlife career transitions

Career transitions for women in midlife come with unique and diverse experiences. This podcast in the Midlife Career Rebel series discusses how you might know if it is the right time for a change and how to act. If you like this podcast then you might consider exploring more of the series; it aims to explore the experiences of women and provide tips that will help you succeed.

Dealing with feeling lost

Are you feeling unsure as to what to do next but considering a career change? This article is for anyone who is not quite sure and perhaps a bit “clueless” as to the right career change for them. Not everyone knows the next right step—that’s completely normal!

Commitment and decision-making

Do you struggle to commit to a career transition? No matter how prepared you are, career transitions can be daunting endeavours. Here are some possible psychological factors hindering your career transition.

Retirement and well-being

Retirement is a major life change that can bring both stress and happiness. Many of us spend years thinking of our ideal retirement lives and making financial plans. Despite this, we often overlook the psychological impact of retirement. Here are some ways to help you adjust to this major life change.

Parenthood and work

Parenthood is a life-changing event. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your career aspirations. Here are some insights on balancing balance ambition with parenthood.

Identity and career transitions

Are you struggling to find a career that truly fits you? In this article, Sarah Whitman explains that nailing an identity transition can be the key to successfully transitioning into a career that fits you.


This content speaks to general trends found in research literature. It should not replace careful consideration of individual career situations, nor can they take the place of consultation with mental health professionals. 


This document is an extract from the report Resources for Mid-Life Career Changers: Final Report and Web Content, for a research collaboration between the Indexing Society of Canada/Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI) and the King’s University (TKU) in Edmonton. Supervised, honors-equivalent psychology students conducted the research in partnership with the ISC/SCI as a capstone senior research project in their senior seminar. The ISC/SCI Executive committee collaborated with the King’s Community Engaged Research (CER) Program to initiate and design the project. 

The CER Program at the King’s University facilitates university-community partnerships in which student-supervisor teams engage community partners in the design and implementation of research that addresses community-defined needs. For more information, please contact the Program Manager, Dr. Elim Ng (

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