Tempo Indexing
The skill of indexing is an ability to analyze, prioritize, synthesize, and localize the concepts in a text. Having completed the indexing training course of the American Society for Indexing, I have the skills to handle your indexing job. I will prepare a comprehensive, concise, accurate index that reflects the content and structure of your text. Specialty subjects include music, art, history, and biography. Samples of work may be viewed on my website, www.tempoindexing.com.
- Listing ID: 6919
- Arts and Humanities: Art and architecture, History, Music
- Lifestyle and Leisure: Fashion, Food and drink, Crafts, Animals and pets, Interior design and decorating
- Materials - Books: Scholarly books, Trade monographs, Biographies and memoirs, Art and photography, Textbooks
- Other Skills: Proofreading