EIP- Erwin Indexing & Publications


Pamela Erwin is your complex project specialist skilled at creating and bringing added value to your indexing project. EIP offers comprehensive, reliable, accurate, and timely indexes for your back of book, periodical, catalog, reference, technical manual, or governmental document projects. Work is done to your specifications and needs with professional knowledge, insight, and flexibility.

In-depth knowledge and experience in multiple fields and including 10 years of small press book editorial; 20 years of project management; 25 years of direct medical; 15 years of legal and court document processing. Specialist in government/administrative/medical policies and procedures and technology and software.

Active Member of ISC, ASI, PNW Indexers associations. Mentored by award-winning indexer Do Mi Stauber.

  • Listing ID: 6570
  • Arts and Humanities: Archaeology and ancient history, Philosophy, Religion and spirituality, Media studies
  • Economy, politics and law: General, Business, Economics, Finance and taxation, Government and politics, Law
  • Health and medicine: Medicine and pharmacology, Alternative health, Psychology and mental health, Health Care
  • Industry and technology: Agriculture, Horticulture, Communications, Construction and real estate, Energy, Engineering and electronics, Information services and technology, Natural resources, Transportation
  • International studies: Latin America and the Caribbean, United States, International relations
  • Lifestyle and Leisure: Food and drink, Gardening, Crafts, Animals and pets, Interior design and decorating, Sports, fitness, and recreation, Travel and tourism, Personal development
  • Sciences: Biological sciences, Earth sciences, Ecology and environment, Information science, Physics and astronomy, Veterinary medicine and animal science
  • Society: Indigenous peoples, Culture, Education, Senior studies, Social activism, Sociology and social services, Urban studies
  • Materials - Books: Scholarly books, Trade monographs, Biographies and memoirs, Art and photography, Children and young adult, Guidebooks, Textbooks, Manuals and how-to books, Software and technical manuals, Bibliographies, Catalogues and directories, Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and glossaries
  • Materials - Other: Government materials, Contracts and collective agreements, Reports, Business/government correspondence, Policies and procedures, Periodicals and almanacs, Websites, Databases, Atlases/maps/plans, Multimedia, Personal files and correspondence, Pictures and illustrations, Transcripts and minutes
  • Other Skills: Computer applications and web development, Search engine optimization (SEO), Metadata, Information management, Consulting, Teaching/training, Editing, Proofreading, Book design, Research and fact-checking, Writing