Complete Indexing - back-of-book & embedded indexing


My special areas of expertise include artificial intelligence, the sciences, engineering and technology, energy and environment, business, economics, finance, and management.  In the sciences I specialize in astronomy, chemistry, energy, mathematics, and (nuclear) physics.  Additional areas of interest include political science and world affairs, history and geography, biographies and memoirs, as well as cognitive science and mind-body relationships.  As a freelance indexer I write back-of-book and embedded indexes for academic and scholarly books, text books, and trade books. Because of my professional background and as a long-term user of indexes I understand your expectations that the structure of an index must be clear and quickly guide the reader to the sought information. An index should also provide a prospective buyer information about the book’s content, which can lead to increased sales.  My structural and integral approach to writing indexes is uniquely comprehensive.


“Your index for our extremely complicated work … was one of the best we have ever contracted for.”  “…I fully recommend this great indexer to whomever is thinking of publishing complex engineering books.”  “…I was deeply impressed by his efficiency and professionalism….”  “…has a powerful analytic and encyclopedic mind……he abstracted an utterly impressive index.”  “I still can’t help but marvel at how you did it…”  “I learned about the structure of the book from the index (even as the author of the book.”)

For further information please e-mail me at, visit my website, or call at 301.980.4467.  Thank you.

  • Listing ID: 9010
  • Arts and Humanities: History, Media studies
  • Economy, politics and law: General, Business, Economics, Finance and taxation, Government and politics, Military and defense
  • Health and medicine: Alternative health, Psychology and mental health, Health Care
  • Industry and technology: Agriculture, Communications, Energy, Engineering and electronics, Information services and technology, Natural resources, Transportation
  • International studies: Africa, Europe, Australia and Oceania, United States, International relations
  • Lifestyle and Leisure: Animals and pets, Sports, fitness, and recreation, Travel and tourism, Personal development
  • Sciences: Biological sciences, Chemistry, Earth sciences, Mathematics and statistics, Ecology and environment, Information science, Physics and astronomy
  • Society: Culture, Education, Family, Senior studies, Social activism, Sociology and social services, Urban studies
  • Materials - Books: Scholarly books, Trade monographs, Biographies and memoirs, Guidebooks, Textbooks, Manuals and how-to books, Software and technical manuals
  • Materials - Other: Academic papers and essays, Government materials, Business/government correspondence, Policies and procedures, Multimedia
  • Other Skills: Embedded indexing