Cheryl Lemmens
I began working as a freelance indexer in 2001–2 after more than 20 years as a writer and editor in a variety of environments: print journalism, Hansard editing, legal publications, and website work. My interests and specialties include English literature, art and architecture, politics and history, popular culture, sports, and urban planning.
I’m a member of both the ISC/SCI and the ASI, served as ISC/SCI Webmaster from 2003-10, and was honoured to receive the ISC/SCI’s Tamarack Award in 2006. My education includes a Bachelor of Applied Arts in journalism from Ryerson Polytechnical Institute (now Ryerson University) and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Toronto; I completed the USDA Basic Indexing course in 2001.
Please visit my website,, for more information on my indexing experience, as well as a full range of subject interests.
- Listing ID: 1663
- Arts and Humanities: Art and architecture, History, Literature, Music
- Economy, politics and law: Government and politics
- International studies: Canadian studies, United States
- Lifestyle and Leisure: Fashion, Gardening, Crafts, Animals and pets, Interior design and decorating, Sports, fitness, and recreation
- Society: Culture, Social activism, Sociology and social services, Urban studies
- Materials - Books: Scholarly books, Trade monographs, Art and photography, Guidebooks, Textbooks
- Materials - Other: Websites
- Other Skills: Computer applications and web development, Editing, Proofreading, Research and fact-checking, Writing