2024 Tamarack Award: Alexandra Peace

The Indexing Society of Canada / Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI) is pleased to announce the 2024 recipient of the Tamarack Award. Alexandra Peace (Canning, Nova Scotia) is being recognized for her contribution and commitment to the society.

Alexandra was chosen for her unflagging enthusiasm, endless willingness to help out, unwavering cheerfulness, and ability to see the promise in the rawest of volunteers.

Alexandra’s colleagues had the following to say about her:

  • “The scope of work that the effervescent Alex undertook during her presidency was staggering: she was dogged in her determination to document the roles and how-to handbooks for all the executive positions and the procedures to transition from one executive to another, enabling seamless transitions after elections. It was a passion project and transformation for the society.”
  • “Alex’s deep commitment to community engagement shines through everything she does. I’m guessing it is this that is at the base of her exuberance.”
  • “She is not just a ball of energy, but a ball of light. Always happy to answer a question or give a bit of feedback or helpful advice, even when she’s halfway across the world.”

“We are thrilled to present this award to Alexandra, and we are honoured to have her as a member of our society,” said Jolanta Komornicka and Maggie Billard, Co-Presidents. “Thank you, Alex, for all you have given to the society and its membership.” The Tamarack Award was instituted to recognize members who go “above and beyond the call of duty” in their volunteer work for the Society. Past recipients can be found on the website here: https://indexers.ca/tamarack-award-2/

2023 Tamarack Award: Ronnie Seagren

The Indexing Society of Canada / Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI) is pleased to announce the 2023 recipient of the Tamarack Award. Ronnie Seagren (Toronto) is being recognized for her contribution and commitment to the society.

Ronnie was chosen for her unflagging dedication to the society, willingness to always lend a helping hand, and dedication to diversity and inclusion in indexing.

Ronnie’s colleagues had the following to say about her:

[Ronnie’s] warmth of spirit and optimism are infectious and make the society a better place for all.

Ronnie brings hard work and joy to so many committees inside (and outside!) ISC/SCI. It’s been a pleasure to work with her.

I’m so pleased [Ronnie was] chosen to be the recipient of this year’s Tamarack Award. It is truly a well-deserved award.

“We are thrilled to present this award to Ronnie, and we are honoured to have her as a member of our society,” said Alexandra Peace and Jolanta Komornicka, Co-Presidents. “Thank you, Ronnie, for all you have given to the society and its membership.”

The Tamarack Award was instituted to recognize members who go “above and beyond the call of duty” in their volunteer work for the Society. Past recipients can be found on the website here: https://indexers.ca/tamarack-award-2/.

2022 Tamarack Award: Lisa Fedorak

The Indexing Society of Canada / Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI) is pleased to announce the 2022 recipient of the Tamarack Award. Lisa Fedorak (Vancouver) is being recognized for her contribution and commitment to the society.

Lisa was chosen for her warmth, her diligence, and her independent spirit. Lisa’s colleagues had the following to say about her:

I wanted Lisa to be given the Tamarack Award to acknowledge her courage and stamina. Through Lisa’s initiative and her untiring efforts, we are on a path to becoming better at our business.

Lisa is highly conscientious and has donated an enormous amount of energy to the ISC/SCI. Lisa is a team player who is always doing what she can to make things better for others.

[Lisa] is someone in the world you’re so grateful to have crossed paths with, and I appreciate her gifts of compassion, human values, and warmth.

Co-Presidents Alexandra Peace and Tere Mullin said: “We are thrilled to present this award to Lisa, and we are honoured to have her as a member of our society. Thank you, Lisa, for all you have given to the society and its membership.”

The Tamarack Award was instituted to recognize members who go “above and beyond the call of duty” in their volunteer work for the Society. Past recipients can be found on the website here: https://indexers.ca/isc-awards/

2021 Tamarack Award: Siusan Moffat

Toronto: The Indexing Society of Canada / Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI) is pleased to announce the 2021 recipient of the Tamarack Award. Siusan Moffat (Toronto) is being recognized for her contribution and commitment to the society.

Siusan was chosen for her drive to help ISC/SCI be more representative of the diversity present in Canada. Siusan’s colleagues had the following to say about her:

She took the Truth and Reconciliation Commission work to heart, and used her passionate energy to found The Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee (TIDE). She has consistently looked for ways to get the word out about indexing to people from marginalized or otherwise underrepresented groups who might be interested.

The TIDE committee is accomplishing something wonderful, and this is thanks in large part to Siusan—from Bulletin articles to webinars to the Diversity in Canadian Publishing Bursary, now seeing its second year. Thank you, Siusan, for your hard work that is affecting real people. And thank you for so positively affecting me, as a colleague, team member, and friend.

She was additionally a hard-working and diligent member of the Executive Committee, and in every instance, I found her to be a kind and compassionate colleague to work with.

“I am thrilled to present this award to Siusan, and we are honoured to have her as a member of our society,” said Alexandra Peace, President. “Thank you, Siusan, for all you have given to the society and its membership.”

The Tamarack Award was instituted to recognize members who go “above and beyond the call of duty” in their volunteer work for the Society.

2020 Tamarack Award: Margaret De Boer

The Indexing Society of Canada / Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI) is pleased to announce the 2020 recipient of the Tamarack Award. Margaret de Boer (Toronto) is being recognized for her contribution and commitment to the society.

Margaret was chosen for her time as president and past president on the executive committee, and for additional time and service spent on many various committees. Margaret’s colleagues had the following to say about her:

She’s calm, thoughtful, and very fair when the time comes to make a decision. Her leadership was always kind-hearted, to the benefit to the executive as well as the full ISC/SCI membership.

Margaret is many things—smart, thorough, thoughtful and courageous; she is an independent thinker. 

Margaret’s diligence and thoroughness are assets to our meetings as she pushes us to ensure that we’re being clear, precise, and productive on whatever issues we deal with.

“I am thrilled to present this award to Margaret, and we are honoured to have her as a member of our society,” said Alexandra Peace, President.

The Tamarack Award was instituted to recognize members who go “above and beyond the call of duty” in their volunteer work for the Society.