Choose your membership type

Basic or Listed?

Choose a Listed membership if you want to advertise your freelance services in this website. Both Basic and Listed members can privately build and update their Listed Profiles, but only Listed members will be displayed in the Find an Indexer search results and directory.

Individual, Student, or Institutional Member?

Choose a “Student Membership” only if you are a full-time student at a college, university, technical institution, and/or public school. If you are taking one of the online indexing courses, please choose an “Individual Membership”.

“Institutional Membership” gives the individuals in your company or organization access to all the benefits of Individual membership.

Not a Canadian Resident?

Select an “Outside Canada” membership if you are not a resident of Canada.

Payment Method

Choose Credit/Debit Card to pay by credit card. Choose Manual to pay by cheque or Interac.

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