Conference Registration Now Open

Registration for the ISC/SCI Annual Conference is now open.

Take advantage of these early bird rates for the three-day virtual conference:

  • Members (including ASI, ANSZI, SI, all other affiliates and Editors Canada): $60
  • Non-members: $100
  • Special rate for eligible full-time students: $35
  • Optional Fireside Chat for new indexers: $10

All prices are in Canadian Dollars.

The conference speakers cover a variety of topics to help you improve your indexing practice, make your business thrive, and expand your knowledge of issues pertinent to our industry. Visit the conference page for the list of speakers and topics.

There will also be opportunities to meet up with old friends and chat with new ones.

Register now before Early Bird pricing ends April 30.

Save the Date for the ISC Virtual Conference May 27- 29, 2021

The ISC/SCI is thrilled to announce that our next annual conference is taking place from the comfort of your home from May 27 to 29, 2021. The theme is “Indexing Unlimited”.

The conference sessions will cover a variety of topics to help you improve your indexing practice and make your business thrive.

One new feature is designed especially for new indexers. The online Fireside Chat will give you the opportunity to talk in a group setting with an experienced indexer on your transition from student to practicing indexer.

Of course, networking has always been an important component of the annual conference. The Conference Committee wants you to know that this year will be no different. Plans are in the works for activities that will help you meet new friends and catch with up with old ones.

Conference registration opens soon. Visit the conference page for details.