TIDE Resources

Caring about Equity, Diversity and Representation Webinar

Presented by Paula Butler, June 20, 2020


Selected Resources

These articles, books and style guides might be useful as you explore these issues further, as well as for very practical indexing questions. The list includes both Canadian and American references.


Workplace Racism survey. People of Color in Publishing and Latinx in Publishing did a Workplace Racism survey in 2018. « To our white colleagues: read these words attentively and share them widely. We ask that you do not approach any of your BIPOC colleagues to discuss this information, but instead call on your white colleagues. We have included an Actionable Takeaways and Resources section and recommend creating your own living list as well, as you know your own role and areas of influence best. Dismantling racism in publishing requires continuous self-education and anti-racist attention and action. This survey focused on workplace culture at publishing companies in the U.S., but we acknowledge that these issues needs to be addressed in other parts of the book industry, including at literary agencies, review journals, bookstores, and libraries, and within the author and illustrator community around the world. » You can read the full survey results here.

Black and white: why capitalization mattersColumbia Journalism Reviewhttps://www.cjr.org/analysis/language_corner_1.php

Racial and Ethnic Identity, APA Style blog (American Psychological Association, which is often used in Canada, and it makes an interesting point about parallelism): https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/bias-free-language/racial-ethnic-minorities

Getting Rid of the Word ‘Caucasian’ in Everyday Anti-Racism. The New Press. 2008. https://sjsu.edu/people/carol.mukhopadhyay/papers/Getting-Rid-of-the-Word-Caucasian.pdf

Lack of Diversity in Canadian Publishing, by ISC member Sarah McNeil: https://indexers.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Lack-of-Ethnic-Diversity-in-Canadian-Publishing-by-Sarah-McNeil_.pdf

35 Books to Read for National Indigenous History Month:https://www.cbc.ca/books/35-books-to-read-for-national-indigenous-history-month-1.5585489

Mohawk/Tuscarora writer Janet Rogers opens Ojistoh publishing house on Six nations:https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/janet-rogers-publishing-1.5552435

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, by Robin J. DiAngelo. (Available as a hard copy book, ebook or audiobook.)

Understanding and Dismantling Racism: A Booklist for White Readers: https://www.charisbooksandmore.com/understanding-and-dismantling-racism-booklist-white-readers

Anti-Black Racism Reading List (Canadian focus): https://onesearch.library.utoronto.ca/anti-black-racism-reading-list

Over 1,000 U.S. Publishing Workers Strike to Protest Industry Racism:https://www.vulture.com/2020/06/publishing-strike-racism-book-industry.html

Black authors are on all the bestseller lists right now. But publishing doesn’t pay them enoughhttps://www.vox.com/culture/2020/6/17/21285316/publishing-paid-me-diversity-black-authors-systemic-bias

11 Racist and Offensive Phrases that People Still Use All the Timehttps://www.businessinsider.com/offensive-phrases-that-people-still-use-2013-11

14 Words (explanation of term): https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/14-words?fbclid=IwAR0CJUOLmd8CxqeNZ7f8wK7H9JJHgp1xlbu2zia_1VAALWlnwunTPVbT7f8

The Ugly, Fascinating History of the Word ‘Racism’https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2014/01/05/260006815/the-ugly-fascinating-history-of-the-word-racism


Elements of Indigenous Style. Gregory Younging. Brush Education. 2018.

The Canadian Press Stylebook, 18th edition; there’s also The Canadian Press Caps and Spellinghttps://www.thecanadianpress.com/writing-guide/

New Canadian Media’s 76-page Ethnic Media and Diversity Style Guide (2016), downloadable here: https://nsiip.ca/wp-content/uploads/NewCanadianMedia_EthicMediaDiversityStyleGuide.pdf

National NewsMedia Council lists some resources, including ethics and standards, here: https://mediacouncil.ca/media-ethics/guides-and-resources/

Canada.ca Content Style Guide (for the government website, with a single mention of diversity)https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/government-communications/canada-content-style-guide.html#toc8

The Translation Bureau, Government of Canada has a searchable term database called Termium: https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2alpha/alpha-eng.html?lang=eng. Here’s a link to their topic and alphabetic listing “capitalization: races; languages; peoples”: https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2guides/guides/wrtps/index-eng.html?lang=eng&lettr=indx_catlog_c&page=9-PzbJQBuljw.html
They also have a French editing guide, Le guide du rédacteur (the second edition is from 2009, so might not be the latest reference) https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2guides/guides/redac/index-fra.html?lang=fra&lettr=&page=../introduction

First Nations Metis and Inuit Ontologyhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSOKcm9HB-28iSqNN3sQd5hV7bMLMGpCeGL0dkQgyg2AiZAMWUF0sp98GyxIvLXYIWqSZ3nX_j_q4UN/pubhtml?urp=gmail_link   

Diversity in Publishing — Organizations & Initiatives from the Magazine Association of BC: https://magsbc.com/project/diversity-in-publishing-organizations-initiatives/


Chicago Manual of Style. The current edition is the 17th, published in 2017. The 16th ed. (2010) caps ethnic and national adjectives, but not “colors” like black and white, in 8.37 and 8.39. This link is for the online edition: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html

APA Style (American Psychological Association, they’ve just put out their 7th edition): https://apastyle.apa.org/ Click Bias-free Language for a useful section. The venerable 6th edition blog is here: https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/apa-style-blog-6th-edition-archive.html

The Diversity Style Guide (online, created by the San Francisco State University’s Journalism Department, with over 700 terms and several specific guides, plus lots of great links to other American organizations), https://www.diversitystyleguide.com/

The Conscious Style Guide (recommended by Chicago, NASA, and others): click Guides for info, including terms, for writing about the whole range of controversial subjects, with blog posts, articles, and references: https://consciousstyleguide.com/

LGBTQ+ terms are explained in the GLAAD reference; for others see The Diversity Style Guide): https://www.glaad.org/reference

National Association of Black Journalists style guide: https://www.nabj.org/page/styleguide

The Asian American Journalists’ Association doesn’t have a style guide but recommends avoiding « illegal » to describe certain immigrants to the US: https://www.aaja.org/immigrants
There’s also a National Association of Hispanic Journalists but no style advice.

The Native American Journalists’ Association has an AP Style Guide insert for USD $9 with « preferred term usage for journalists covering Indian country »: https://najanewsroom.com/ap-style-insert/

The California Assisted Living Association’s Anti-Ageism Usage and Style Guidehttp://caassistedliving.org/publications/elevate-aging/


A learning resource on how to be a Black ally. Choose 10 min, 25 min, 45 min/day: https://justiceinjune.org/

« How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion » – 18 min video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-BY9UEewHw&feature=youtu.be