La Société canadienne d’indexation / Indexing Society of Canada (SCI/ISC) est l’association nationale canadienne des indexeurs.
Nous vous invitons à trouver un indexeur, à consulter nos publications et les ressources pour les indexeurs, en apprendre davantage au sujet des congrès et événements, et à devenir membre de la Société.
Trouvez un indexeur
Trouvez un indexeur spécialisé dans le domaine de votre projet.
Trouver des ressources
Trouvez de l’information sur les index, les pratiques d’indexation et les formations offertes en indexation.
Participez à un événement
Participez à une réunion entre indexeurs ou au congrès annuel.
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Joignez-vous à la Société et profitez des avantages d’une adhésion.
La Société désire que ses langues de travail soient le français et l’anglais. Vous noterez, par contre, qu’une partie du contenu de notre site Web n’est qu’en anglais seulement. Si vous voulez nous aider à accroître le contenu en français nous acceptons les bénévoles avec des connaissances dans l’indexation et le monde de l’édition; envoyez un courriel à notre présidente :
Article vedette
What practices will help me with good index term selection?
ASI Webinar: Establishing Yourself as an Expert
Marketing Strategies No One Talks About
with Jen Weers and Gwen Henson
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
A good marketing plan for indexers should include more than a letter-writing campaign and the dreaded cold calls. Even savvy marketers are often missing a key part of their plan: establishing yourself as an expert. When faced with a multitude of indexers in the mix for a single project, you need to be proactive in proving you are the right person for the job.
In this webinar, you will:
• explore out-of-the-box marketing tools for establishing yourself as an expert
• learn how to be seen as an expert even with limited experience
• identify different audiences for your message
• hear from experts who have successfully used this concept
• explore imposter syndrome and ways to see yourself as an expert, even if you don’t believe your own message
If you are a member of ISC/SCI, you can receive the member discount using the coupon code on the Member Benefits page.
Register and get more information at

Prix d’indexation Ewart-Daveluy 2022
La Société canadienne d’indexation (SCI/ISC) ne décernera pas de prix Ewart-Daveluy cette année. Le comité est heureux du bon nombre de candidatures reçues et de la diversité des ouvrages commerciaux et scolaires, mais est unanime sur le constat qu’aucun des index présentés n’atteint le niveau d’excellence que ce Prix récompense.
Tous les index reçus remplissent plusieurs fonctions correctement. Plus précisément, la plupart sont structurés clairement et sont faciles à utiliser, incluent de multiples points d’accès pertinents, sont rédigés clairement et rendent compte adéquatement du contenu du texte. Ce sont des qualités attendues de tout index professionnel. Tous ces critères et plusieurs autres sont mentionnés sur le site de la SCI/ISC.
Or nous sommes en quête d’une qualité supplémentaire subtile, celle de l’élégance. L’élégance correspond au ressenti devant une clarté exceptionnelle, une facilité d’utilisation hors du commun, la concision, voire la présentation remarquablement simple d’idées complexes. Une autre manière de définir l’élégance en indexation est présente dans les critères du prix d’excellence en indexation de l’ASI (American Society of Indexing) : « la concision; le bon mot à la bonne place, même si le terme n’est pas présent dans le texte; un certain “charme”; une attirance visuelle; l’impression que l’index contient exactement le nécessaire, ni plus ni moins; la simplicité; la grâce. »
Nous encourageons les indexeurs et indexeuses à s’efforcer d’atteindre l’élégance. Prendre un temps supplémentaire pour parcourir encore une fois l’index. Resserrer le phrasé, trouver l’intitulé précis et imaginer quels lecteurs pourraient rechercher ce que vous n’avez pas inclus. L’index n’a pas besoin d’être parfait, mais il doit se démarquer. Donnez à votre index le poli final pour qu’il brille!
L’an prochain nous allons de nouveau être en quête d’un index élégant. Lorsque vous créerez vos index cette année, recherchez cet index qui n’en est pas loin, celui qui a besoin d’à peine plus de soin, et envisagez de lui donner ce poli supplémentaire qui fera que vous pourrez l’envoyer à la période des candidatures à l’automne.
Merci à tous ceux qui ont soumis un index. Comme le formulaire de candidature le mentionne, nous allons envoyer des synthèses de nos commentaires et suggestions.
ISC/SCI Members Receive the DReam to Index Scholarship
Congratulations to Matthew MacLellan, Jessica MacLeod, and Laurel Rush of ISC/SCI, and Heather Pendley of ASI on their win of the DReam to Index Scholarship.
From the DReam to Index team:
The four recipients of 2022 DReam to Index scholarships intend to use the funds for either the Indexing Society of Canada (ISC/SCI) virtual conference (scheduled for May 12–14) or for the American Society for Indexing (ASI) virtual conference (scheduled for April 29–30).
In 2018, the Friends of Dave established a fund to honor David K. Ream who passed away at the end of 2017. Dave, who was well known throughout the indexing communities of the world, provided computer-programming, database construction, and typesetting to indexers and abstractors for more than 30 years. Dave gave so much to the field of indexing and was especially interested in helping indexers succeed in their work. That is why we have chosen to honor him by recognizing new people coming to the field and helping them on their indexing journey.
Thank you to all of the contestants who applied for the 2022 scholarship. Friends of Dave wish much success to them all in their future indexing careers.
The recipients of future DReam to Index scholarships can apply the funds to national conferences of the American Society for Indexing, Society of Indexers, Indexing Society of Canada, Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers, or Association of South African Indexers and Bibliographers. In 2023, the DReam to Index scholarships will be offered for the final time using the same criteria – for more information about Dave Ream and the scholarships please see
ISC/SCI Has a New Co-President
Changes afoot …! The executive committee has accepted Jason’s resignation and asked Tere Mullin to step up from her position as Eastern Region representative to become co-president with Alexandra Peace.
Please join me in wishing Jason well and welcoming Tere to her new position.
Jason Begy
After a wonderful nine or so months of serving as co-president with Alex, I am stepping down. A career opportunity has come up that is simply too good for me to pass on, but it will require all of my focus and attention. The ISC/SCI has been an invaluable aspect of my indexing career, and I have especially enjoyed these past few years as part of the executive committee. I leave you in Alex’s exceptionally capable hands, and I hope you’ll join me in welcoming Tere Mullin as she steps-in to take over for me.
Tere Mullin
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It’s lovely to be saying hello to you as your new co-president. I’m honoured and delighted to have this opportunity, and I’m very much looking forward to serving you as I learn and grow within this role.
I am relatively new to indexing, having started working full-time in early 2021. I enjoy working in a variety of scholarly subject areas within the humanities and social sciences, particularly archaeology and anthropology. Although I came to indexing quite by accident, as many people seem to, I now can’t imagine doing anything else. My involvement with ISC/ISC has grown in tandem with my indexing practice, and I’ve had the privilege of serving as Eastern regional representative and coordinator of the Mary Newberry Mentorship Program. I feel truly fortunate to be a member of this supportive and dynamic community, and I hope to pay it forward. I look forward to meeting you all at the next get-together. Until then, I wish you all a joyous spring!
New Indexer Resources Page
The New Indexers’ Resources Committee (NIRC) is happy to announce the launch of its New Indexer Resources page!
The New Indexer Resources page will be accessible via the ISC/SCI website,, and will provide answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), as well as links to external resources. New and aspiring indexers will find a wealth of information on topics such as client relations, money management, software, taxes, and much more.
Content on the page will continue to grow as FAQs are added, and visitors are encouraged to submit their own questions and/or answers if they so wish. Our hope is that the page evolves based on users’ needs.