La Société canadienne d’indexation / Indexing Society of Canada (SCI/ISC) est l’association nationale canadienne des indexeurs.
Nous vous invitons à trouver un indexeur, à consulter nos publications et les ressources pour les indexeurs, en apprendre davantage au sujet des congrès et événements, et à devenir membre de la Société.
Trouvez un indexeur
Trouvez un indexeur spécialisé dans le domaine de votre projet.
Trouver des ressources
Trouvez de l’information sur les index, les pratiques d’indexation et les formations offertes en indexation.
Participez à un événement
Participez à une réunion entre indexeurs ou au congrès annuel.
Devenez membre
Joignez-vous à la Société et profitez des avantages d’une adhésion.
La Société désire que ses langues de travail soient le français et l’anglais. Vous noterez, par contre, qu’une partie du contenu de notre site Web n’est qu’en anglais seulement. Si vous voulez nous aider à accroître le contenu en français nous acceptons les bénévoles avec des connaissances dans l’indexation et le monde de l’édition; envoyez un courriel à notre présidente :
Article vedette
What practices will help me with good index term selection?
ISC/SCI Conference 2023. See also Newfoundland
Save the Date!
June 9–10, 2023
Get your calendar out and mark the dates June 9 and 10, 2023, for the ISC/SCI’s annual conference (some pre- and post-conference events are also in the works, so you’ll want to consider saving some extra days too). The program team is pulling together great speakers and invaluable content—you’ll be hearing more on that. But you’ll want to be sure to register for Conference 2023. Because we’re going to Newfoundland!
Picture this: St. John’s, the capital city of Canada’s easternmost province, with its storied history and steep streets lined with rows of art-inspiring brightly coloured maritime houses. There’s more: a historic harbour, a world-class university, and incredible things to do and see. You can take a wine tour, see Signal Hill, visit Quidi Vidi Village, or go whale watching. And these are just a few of the activities available. Farther afield there’s a fabled bird sanctuary and opportunities for hiking along the ocean coast.
For our venue we’ve booked the Murray Premises Hotel, situated in a National Historic Site on the St. John’s harbourfront. Featuring nineteenth-century exposed masonry walls and wood beams, this charming hotel will be our conference host and your centre of activities in the city and beyond.
This is going to be an unforgettable opportunity, and we want as many of you to come as possible. So mark your calendar—June 9 and 10, 2023. And start dreaming.
ASI Webinar: An Introduction to Abstracting
A Way to Enhance Your Indexing with Lisa Ryan
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Abstracting is an indexing specialty that adds value to a document by providing a summary and bibliographic detail of the work. Abstracts are formal summaries, giving a brief objective summary of the essential content of a book, article, speech, report, dissertation, or other work. Abstracts are important tools for information users, assisting readers in deciding whether or not to read the full text. Since abstracts contain complete bibliographic citations, they are useful when writing up research. Knowing how to write abstracts can enhance your indexing.
In this webinar, you will:
- discover what abstracting is
- review the skills needed to compose abstracts
- understand how to add bibliographic detail
- learn how to write abstracts
- explore abstracting opportunities
Lisa Ryan, founder and developer of Stellar Searches LLC, has 24 years of searching, writing, indexing, and abstracting experience beginning as a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill’s Master of Science program from the School of Information and Library Science and continuing with employment at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Library in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. She also worked at the Center for Transportation and the Environment at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, and the National Association of Home Builders and U.S. Department of Transportation, both in Washington, D.C. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Emerson College with a Master of Arts in Writing and Publishing.
If you are a member of ISC/SCI, you can receive the member discount using the coupon code on the Member Benefits page.
Get more information at

Society News
For your information, Tere Mullin, co-president since March, has had to step down from the position. We are grateful for her hard work and wish her the best as she continues her indexing career. Make sure to thank Tere as you see her in the regional and national meetings.
Jolanta Komornicka has agreed to stand as co-president. She, along with the rest of the executive committee, will stand for election at the next AGM in 2023.
Jolanta has previous academic experience in history, particularly medieval European history. She holds a PhD and has both taught and published at the university level for several years. Jolanta studied indexing at Toronto Metropolitan University (previously Ryerson).
Previous to accepting this position as co-president, Jolanta was co-regional
representative for the Central (Ontario) region.
Conference 2023: See also Newfoundland. Come share with us!
Call for Proposals
The Conference Committee invites your proposals for ISC/SCI Conference 2023.
Proposals are being accepted until October 3, 2022.
The committee is seeking proposals in the following areas:
▪ aspects of running an indexing business (social media for marketing, profitability, project scheduling, websites, etc.)
▪ technology related to indexing such as devices or equipment, non-indexing software, or apps
▪ improving/assessing index quality or usability from broad topics such as improving your speed to niche topics on specific languages, communities, or subjects
▪ non-back-of-book indexing such as taxonomy, controlled vocabularies, thesaurus development
▪ any niche or specialty topics you feel passionate about
This is an in-person conference taking place in St. John’s in early June. Attendance is expected unless conference plans need to be changed closer to the date. Sessions will be 50 minutes in total (35–40 minutes for presentation followed by a 10–15 minute question-and-answer session).
Application form and more information can be found here.
La Société canadienne d’indexation dévoile la récipiendaire du prix Tamarack 2022
La Société canadienne d’indexation / Indexing Society of Canada (SCI/ISC) est heureuse de dévoiler la récipiendaire du prix Tamarack 2022. Il s’agit de Lisa Fedorak (Vancouver), en reconnaissance de sa contribution et de son dévouement à l’association.
Lisa a été choisie pour sa chaleur, son zèle et son esprit libre. Voici ce que ses collègues ont à dire sur Lisa :
J’ai voulu que Lisa reçoive le prix Tamarack en reconnaissance de son courage et de son endurance. Grâce aux initiatives et aux efforts inépuisables de Lisa, nous sommes sur le chemin de l’amélioration de notre entreprise.
Lisa est très consciencieuse et a donné une somme colossale d’énergie à la SCI/ISC. LIsa est une joueuse d’équipe qui fait toujours ce qu’elle peut afin que les choses aillent bien pour les autres.
Lisa fait partie des personnes sur la planète dont on est heureux d’avoir croisé le chemin, et j’apprécie ses dons de compassion, ses valeurs humaines et sa chaleur.
« Nous sommes ravies d’offrir ce prix à Lisa, nous sommes très honorées de la compter parmi nos membres », ont déclaré Alexandra Peace et Tere Mullin, co-présidentes de la SCI/ISC, en ajoutant : « Merci, Lisa, pour tout ce que tu as offert à notre association et à ses membres ».
Le prix Tamarack a été créé en l’honneur des membres qui « vont bien au-delà des attentes exigées par leurs fonctions » dans leur travail de bénévolat pour la Société. Les noms des récipiendaires du prix Tamarack sont en ligne sur le site de la SCI à :